Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Rick Perry: Not as Crazy as the other guy

I never thought I'd say this, but I hope that Rick Perry sweeps the Republican primary. Courtesy of Pete, check out Perry's opponent Larry Kilgore. This man is apparently in favor of executing people for adultery, homosexuality and beastiality. NOTE: I found the images on the his page to be disturbing and graphic, but I'm also pretty sensitive to violence.

Perry, the less crazy Republican:


rebeccaonion said...

Anybody take the test on whether or not they're a good person?

rebeccaonion said...

I just finished it. I'm not.

Andrew Jones said...

Dang! You know, I though God would be compassionate, but "he's just not a good judge" otherwise. Having violated only 50% of the commandments, I thought I might get off...