Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Last dance

Marvin made a good suggestion in the comment to that last post - we should have happy hour tomorrow (weds) or thurs, so we can see each other before we all disperse. (Well, there's Mark's party, but I think some will already be gone for that.)

Weds is better for me, but I could probably do either in the end. What do you say?


Dr. D'Orsogna said...

I think Wednesday is good for me... umm perhaps we should send out an e-mail since some of our cohort do not respond to the blog. Should we do Crwon and Anchor around 5? Or is there somewhere else people want to go?

rebeccaonion said...

I like C&A. Can we still go see Stick It afterwards? Please say yes. I'll send out an email.