Thursday, May 04, 2006

I am reaching my nadir

So I have just managed to get a footnote about Joni Mitchell into my paper on ruins/stripmalls/parking lots: even paradise was paved in "Big Yellow Taxi".

For any of you wanting a pop culture reference for discussions of Silent Spring look no further than the second verse:

"Hey farmer, farmer
Put away that DDT now
Give me spots on my apples
But LEAVE me the birds and the bees


Dr. D'Orsogna said...

What about the Talking Heads retort in "Nothing but flowers"

There was a shopping mall
Now it's all covered with flowers
You've got it, you've got it
If this is paradise
I wish I had a lawnmower...

This was a discount store
Now it's turned into a cornfield
You got it, you got it
Don't leave me stranded here
I can't get used to this lifestyle

Andrew Jones said...

Good point. That's going in there as well.

rebeccaonion said...

Oh God, that Joni Mitchell bit would NOT leave my head while I was reading SS. It's enough to turn a good environmentalist bad.

all.hail.west.texas said...

who needs ddt
i just killed a co-op fruit fly with my bare hands