Thursday, April 27, 2006

partial liberation

anybody want to meet after turning in papers tomorrow & have happy hour? i know i'm not going to feel like going back to work...


Dr. D'Orsogna said...

I was totally thinking about the same thing. But then I was thinking how much better it will be to wait one more week and go out balls to the wall.
Basically, I'm up in the air about it -I might be down to go out, I might not, depends on how I feel tomorrow.

rebeccaonion said...

What about going out one ball to the wall?

all.hail.west.texas said...

i'll be a baller (er, can a girl say that? not sure actually what it connotes), provided i don't end up having to meet with my ta-ees at 5:15 to look over part of their paper.

Andrew Jones said...

A sneaky pint of Dr. Pepper wouldn't go amiss. Could anyone posit a time and a meeting place? I am thinking nearer to 5pm or thereabouts, if people are up for it...

rebeccaonion said...

Yes...I am going to be cutting it close. How about 5:15 pm, Crown & Anchor?

rebeccaonion said...

Yeah, I think in the interest of fairness, a dude with only one ball must be said to be going all out when he's one ball to the wall. Otherwise, if you have to get a ball removed for medical reasons, you're effectively also getting your right to go all out removed; and that's just not correct. Tell your "friend."

Andrew Jones said...

Crown and Anchor sounds just dandy. OMG, plz forgive me for the apalling photocopies I'm about to foist on you all.