Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Footnote question

Ok, so say I have a quote like this:

“Cohen and Willis (1985) and Willis (1985) have developed one of the most commonly used typologies of social support."

Now when I make the footnote I obviously include the typical bibliographic info, but what do I do about the references within the quote?

Does it go: Bibliographic info. Using Cohen and Willis (1985) their bib. info and Willis (1985) bib info.



rebeccaonion said...

Do you have to have it as a quote? Say the author of your source is Smith. Can you instead say "Smith, citing Source 1 and Source 2, points to blah as blah blah blah" and then footnote Smith alone?

All of which is a way of saying, I don't know what the answer is, but this definitely seems way too convoluted.

Dr. D'Orsogna said...

Thanks guys,
I think I'm going to go with your suggestion Stephanie. Normally I probably wouldn't include it but, the authors cited in the quotes are (I think) central figures in the general field of social psychology and communications.