Thursday, April 06, 2006

Comic relief, part dos

Anybody else read the Mechling yet? Here's a teaser for you. A choice quote from p 202:

"The Treasure Hunt itself is a complex ritual full of anal-erotic symbolism. Jones and Menninger both see 'interest in the discovery of treasure-trove' as a trait that combines several anal-erotic impulses. The size and shape of the cans of Coke [they were the prize at the end of this particular treasure hunt] could be seen as similar to animal droppings, completing the feces = treasure equation. Note, as well, that the treasure is always Coca-Cola ('Coke: It's the Real Thing!'), never Fresca or 7-Up or root beer or even Pepsi. This is not an insignificant detail, given the phonetic pattern common in words associated with feces—for example, cloaca, colon, caca (or kaka), KYBO. In fact, the two favorite beverages of this group—Coke and cocoa—fit this pattern."

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