Tuesday, March 21, 2006

la fiesta de Stephanie

On the birthday tip, let's fete Stephanie this weekend, shall we? Friday night? Who's in? And where should we go? Becky and I were thinking maybe County Line, for bbq and beer, and then maybe we could actually like go out dancing or something? Any bright ideas?


Andrew Jones said...

County Line is meant to be awesome- that sounds like a great idea.

As for afterwards, how about lasertag? Paintball? We'd be really raring to go after all that meat.

all.hail.west.texas said...

county line is hot damn fine. their deck is an extraordinarily delightful place to sit and drink and such, provided it warms up.

question for stephanie and marvin:
should we combine la fiesta de stephanie y la fiesta de marvin, or would you two prefer to have separate celebrations? (=

Dr. D'Orsogna said...

I think Lisa makes a good point about the weather - do we have an alternate plan if it remains chilly?

all.hail.west.texas said...

well there is inside at county line as well, which is perfectly nice and quaint and spacious... there's just not the added value of the deck if it's not pretty out.

but, added vale of staying inside is that we aren't sad because we didn't drive there in our boat and lash it to said deck.

but the bread will still be good, boat or no boat, inside or out.

rebeccaonion said...

I say, let's meet there by hook or by crook, and it'll be fun no matter what. How about 6:30? That's kind of a compromise time...

all.hail.west.texas said...

we probably need to get a rough head count and make some kind of reservations, since it's friday night and all...

rebeccaonion said...

So far I'm thinking
pete (?)
the future mrs. marvin (heh)

so that's nine...john? christina? jackie? coming? also, should we invite laura smith? has anybody done so yet?

Andrew Jones said...

Can I bum a ride from someone?

Cheers much!

rebeccaonion said...

I just heard about a good show afterwards at Red Eye Fly that I might want to go to - Scott Biram - here's info: http://www.dtweekend.com/032306/scott.html

Marvin, can I ride with you too? I can get to campus to meet you...

Dr. D'Orsogna said...

Pete's going to join us, but he will be excusing himself to watch the UConn game at 9:00.

rebeccaonion said...

Carpool! When/where should we meet?

rebeccaonion said...

Also...should I call and make the reservation, or has somebody already done it?

rebeccaonion said...

Sounds good. I'll get in touch between the 3 and 4 hours.

rebeccaonion said...

Actually, Stephanie, maybe I should go with you instead, if you're going to be going from your house...might make more sense than meeting Marvin on campus. Are you going from home?