Friday, October 26, 2007


So it seems like George Lucas has determined that the best way for students to learn about the early 20th century is to watch DVDs of "The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones." We've become obsolete....


Dr. D'Orsogna said...

I'm pro-edutainmnet

I think that this kind of project makes sense and it's better than releasing the DVDs only to promote the new movie. If you think back to how you got interested in things it probably wasn't some "pure" academic moment.

Carly said...

Yeah ... I fell in love with history because of the American Girls Collection of dolls, and I'm into media studies in large part because I spent a significant portion of my childhood watching MonsterVision and USA Up All Night with my dad.

And, yeah, some of it's crap, and once you're past a certain point, you probably need some critical thinking skills and you might go read a nonfiction book, but I think a lot of people learn all kinds of things from media that are primarily entertainment. Why, just last week, I learned how to escape from a car that's sinking in water.