Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Maps! Yeah!

We just need more of them in order to help South Africa, like.

Update: Someone was courteous enough (or had the map resources I guess) to make a map of Miss SC's comments


rebeccaonion said...

First of all, I am so psyched that she got asked this question in a Miss Teen USA contest.

Second of all, South Africa? That's such a weirdly 80s reference to toss into her gibberish. I don't get it. She can't be but 18.

Gerling said...

She seems to be saying the following:

+"U.S. Americans" can't locate the U.S. on the map because we don't have enough of them.

+Because of this, we need to help Iraqis and South Africans.

In a nutshell, we are either translating our own ignorance into diplomacy or overcoming our education problems (with maps) and then spreading this revelation abroad.

An argument can be made for either the former or latter interpretation defining our diplomatic efforts since 1898.

Dr. D'Orsogna said...

Please tell me she didn't win. I would guess that she said South Africa because Oprah just opened a school there.

Carly said...

Here it is with subtitles, for those of us who can't interpret: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WALIARHHLII