Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Blue. Different.

So there's this new Blogger version I just signed up for that lets me move page elements around without having to go into HTML.

The upside is that I can now easily put a picture, text, a feed from another site, or other things on the righthand side of the blog (more webliterate people might find this basic, but I'm happy). So if you have a pic you think deserves right-hand-column status, send it to me - otherwise we're stuck with Sacvan Bercovitch, so act quickly. We can also start using labels for each post, like tags on flickr, which would be really fun to do. I also like the collapsible archive listings.

The downside is I can't figure out how to make the thing list our aggregate names as it did before - instead it wanted to list only my name, which I didn't like, so I just took it off and now we're authorless. The other downside is I hope you guys can all sign in without needing gmail accounts. I'm not sure how that's going to work. Keep me apprised as to possible problems.


Carly said...

It might be useful for us to set up some sort of standardized list of tags -- tagging/labeling tends to be pretty highly personalized, and we'd probably all set up different, but useful systems that may or may not prove useful to anyone else. This is likely part of why wikis only work long-term if routinely maintained.

Also, I have an excellent picture of Prada Marfa, if we want something Texas-y for a picture.

Carly said...

Hey, it appears we might need to be reinvited to be able to post our own threads.

rebeccaonion said...

Carly - Definitely send me your Prada Marfa shot - I am going to try to figure out how to reinvite you guys, right now. As for tags, I'll do another post with suggestions and hopefully people will respond and add....

Carly said...

That's the link. Blogger won't let me leave photos in comments. Shame on them. So 1.0.

rebeccaonion said...

Oooh, this one is much better, works well with the blue. Thanks!