Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Apologies, and Alamo movies

Sorry I'm so bad at making the links on the sidebar work. If anybody knows how to fix that, help a girl out.

In other news, here are two (2) movies for John to go see.

Museum of Af-Am History

Per the Times today - said museum has been granted a spot on the Mall, despite some people's objections that it'd mar the look of the place (how inconvenient!) The cutest part of the article: "'My first task for tomorrow is to stop smiling,' said Lonnie G. Bunch, director of the museum."

In other news, Alito confirmed.

Monday, January 30, 2006

a passage we have all encountered at some point in the past few days...

"your kentuckian of the present day is a good illustration of the doctrine of transmitted instincts and pecularities."

Second Street District

So with the new development going up across the street from my apartment on South Congress, I've been thinking about "hip" developments. Like what the f' is up with the 2nd Street District. I drove through it today and it is not a district, it is a block. I mean the level of fabrication is pretty repulsive, for example look at one of their marketing images - a little too contrived for my tastes.


Everybody should start thinking of themes for the grad conference next year. We're supposed to send an email around soon asking for people's ideas, then put them to a vote. I am unsure that any theme will be able to shape the direction of the conference in a meaningful sense (I think people are just going to submit what they submit no matter what), but if any of you have a genius idea, please send it along.

This is going to be great!

See, for example, now I can show you this picture from New Haven (which i already sent to Lisa) without having to email it annoyingly. Also, what do you guys think we should name this doohickey? I am not committed to the above.