Say it three times and it sounds like soccer... yes, the World Cup is upon is, which, unlike the World Series, actually includes teams from other continents. Forget the Olympics or the Superbowl (I heard some NFL players calling this "the biggest sporting event in the world"- pish) this is the real deal, and is an excellent start for those of you wishing to develop an interest in the beautiful game.
I'll be heading off to Fado (on 4th/Colorado) at around 7:45am to catch England vs. Paraguay. Much as it pains me to say it, I will be cheering England on despite the rampant jingoism now prevalent across England (the St. George's cross sort of offends me). It's all about the home nations. Do come and join me if you can- Fado will be full of beered-up expatriates shouting merrily at the screen., and I guarantee merriment.